In our opinion, administration is not the necessary evil but the

basis of everyday safety.

We are at the same time invisible but efficient administrators, and experienced and confident project leaders.

Outsourced administration

Administration, reception and operation – all these from one partner!

  • We guarantee that your costs will be reduced, can be planned and can be kept under control.
  • More efficient, safer operations
  • Flexibility of worktime and work
  • Auditing, development and operation of a full-fledged administration system
  • Organisation and support for the work of reception, secretariat and administrators
  • Selecting the best suppliers, preliminary cost analysis
  • Operating, maintenance, mailing, administration, cleaning, office reconstruction
  • Quality assurance, professional monitoring


Project-based counselling

We are your partners in projects going beyond daily tasks and requiring considerable resources.

  • Several decades’ experience in operating multinational offices
  • Any time available
  • Predictable, project-based pricing
  • Auditing, developing and launching administration processes
  • Cost analysis, tendering and selection for larger procurements
  • Developing, launching and operating energy-effective, green offices
  • Planning and arranging relocations, tenant representation and restructuring jobs


Partner in office management.
We provide customized solutions in the auditing and efficient operating of administration systems.

PAG group

A Brit Kereskedelmi Kamara tagja


Regisztrált cég a magán-munkaközvetítői tevékenység folytatására.

Irodahatékonysági Tanácsadó Kft.
Headquarters: 1031 Bp., Városfal köz 3.
Office: 1033 Bp., Polgár utca 8-10.
Furniture Warehouse: 1047 Bp., Labdarúgó u. 4.
Opening hours: by prior arrangement

Varga Annamária ügyvezető
Managing Partner
+36 20 333 2354

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